
Extended timeline wiki lübeck
Extended timeline wiki lübeck

Fixed OOS that happens from effect setting religious school.Fixed CTD when you both accept culture in dialog and press accepting another culture at the same time.Fixed CTD that could happen if several Governemnt Reforms become invalid at same time and they fiddle with Estates.Fixed CTD from when you click on province view shield for rebels.Can no longer generate inf admin mana by swapping muslim scholars.When forming new tag you now keep your revolutionary target if you were it.Trying to add privilege when you don't have enough crown land now have proper loc.Savonarola is no longer an immortal lich.Macrobuilder should now show correctly what investment has been fully built and not.Korean missions will no longer appear in random setup.Hansa incident can no longer happen if Lübeck is a subject.Forming post-colonial nations now checks for provinces being fully colonized.Fixed loc for mechanic to create revolutionary client states.Fixed Ewiger Landfriede modifier loc if playing with Emperor.Fixed CTD that can happen in the war dec screen.So Dutch Revolt should not happen instantly anymore. Dutch Revolt no longer have duplicate modifiers to progress.Can now become Rev Empire without Rights of Man DLC.Can no longer get Vaishyas & Jains Workshop Agenda on Gold provinces.Can no longer escape the Revolution through forming nations with special governments (Bukhara, Mongol Empire, Mughal Empire, Persia, Russia, Ruthenia, Sokoto, Switzerland, Rum).Bible Translated now checks if Pope exists to add opinion modifier.Added Mahayana as a conversion option for pagans via decision.Added back missing Bahmanis cores on provinces Washim, Karanja and West Berar.on_loan_repaid on action now called when you use pay back all money button.TC Investments in the state view no longer stretches outside of the window.Rebel demands if large enough should no longer overflow on the interface.Now hides properly leagues scrollbar when they are disabled.Added tooltip to show that Absolute Reichstabilität gives access to new Expand Empire CB.Recentered the Monastic Elections icons to be more centered.Hussites now have their own pick aspect icon.AI now better at recognizing Mercs and not trying to merge them with their regular main armies.Solves issues with non moving Army stacks and it constantly trying to merge things together. AI will always consider Merc Armies now splinter armies and not main armies.AI considering themselves being "recovered" after a hell war a bit earlier and will dismiss mercs earlier.Propagate Religion Policy now targets non-abrahmic religions instead of being limited by continent restriction.

extended timeline wiki lübeck

In general, whereas previous astronomers made observations accurate to perhaps 15 arc minutes, those of Tycho were accurate to perhaps 2 arc minutes, and it has been shown that his best observations were accurate to about half an arc minute.Patch 1.30.X are all patches beginning with 1.30.ġ.30.1 is a hotfix released on with the checksum 583f. Tycho was also the first astronomer to make corrections for atmospheric refraction.


Without these complete series of observations of unprecedented accuracy, Kepler could not have discovered that planets move in elliptical orbits. As a result, a number of orbital anomalies never before noticed were made explicit by Tycho. Whereas earlier astronomers had been content to observe the positions of planets and the Moon at certain important points of their orbits (e.g., opposition, quadrature, station), Tycho and his cast of assistants observed these bodies throughout their orbits. He also changed observational practice profoundly.

extended timeline wiki lübeck extended timeline wiki lübeck

He thus revolutionized astronomical instrumentation. He not only designed and built instruments, he also calibrated them and checked their accuracy periodically. His contributions to astronomy were enormous. Tycho Brahe was born in Skane, then in Denmark, now in Sweden.

Extended timeline wiki lübeck